boo-boo bunny baby shower favors

November 9, 2007

here’s another one of my crafts from years ago (back when i was going to baby showers on what seemed like a monthly basis)! they are boo-boo bunnies. you know, those things that you use to put ice in to place on “boo-boos”. actually, you use them to place candy or any other small treat in for baby shower favors (wrapped in tulle). i can’t remember where i got the idea. it wasn’t original. i just remember that i’ve been making them for a while.
the instructions are as follows:

Figure_01Figure 1

Supplies: cheap washcloths (the cheaper the better – easier to tie with ribbon), 1/8” wide ribbon, small googly eyes, small pom poms. (I got the washcloths at WalMart and everything else at Michaels’s [craft store]).

Figure 2


Fold washcloth diagonally.

Figures 3 (and 4)


Fold over and over from point of triangle to the fold.

Figure 5


Fold in half.

Figure 6


Fold the open ends in half perpendicular to last fold (this is the view from the bottom).

Figure 7


Grasp washcloth with thumb and finger (now would be a good time to get some help tying the ribbon).

Figure 8


View from the top.

Figure 9


Tie the ribbon around the fat folded end (you will need help to tie this tight).

Figure 10


View from top.

Figure 11


Pull ears up.

Figure 12


View from top (notice there is a hole in the bunny. You can put candy wrapped in tulle and place in here or leave it empty).

Figure 13


Use hot glue gun to place googly eyes and tiny pom pom for nose.

4 Responses to “boo-boo bunny baby shower favors”

  1. Tracy Says:

    I’m going to make these. I hope they are not too complicated. I wonder, where can i find pink washcloths?

  2. crafty2thdoc Says:

    i don’t know if i saw pink or not. i bought the washcloths at wal-mart. they were something crazy like 18 for $6 or something like that. the thinner they are the easier they are to fold and tie. the hardest part about making the bunnies is the part where you tie the ribbon. you really should have someone hold the folded washcloth while you tie the ribbon. it took me a couple times before i actually got it tight enough. good luck! hope they turn out nice!

  3. Katerina Says:

    i found this demo online:

    what i used were clear hair elastics to wrap around the washcloth, forming the head, and then tied a ribbon around the ears. i bought the smaller of the 2 elastics, but ended up putting 2 in case 1 broke and the small ones were a little harder to spread open wide enough. to do over, i would buy the larger elastics. i also bought ‘cubies’ on ebay to place inside the belly of the bunny instead of water ice cubes. just my suggestions… thanks!

  4. Katerina Says:

    i found the following website that demos how to make the boo boo bunny:

    what i used were clear hair elastics to wrap around and form the head. i used the smaller of the 2 sizes and ended up putting on 2 in case 1 broke. in retrospect, i should have bought the larger sized as the smaller ones were a challenge to stretch open wide enough. then, i tied a ribbon around the ears. just my suggestions…

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